Thursday, October 21, 2010

Goodbye Green. Hello Red.

Yesterday was Wednesday but sadly, our CSA deliveries are over for the year...sniff, sniff. No fresh vegetables waiting on the stoop. No crisp apples or juicy watermelons either. Now what?

Let's look back on the "good old days" (2 weeks ago or so) to the last delivery AND CSA Day At The Farm in Northfield!

Wagon ride with my niece, Madison & baby Mason!

Our nephew, Brady, shoveling corn!

"American Gothic" - Madison & Brady style!

The LAST CSA delivery for the year...

A sink full o' fun!
To end on a happier note...I just checked our stoop and a good friend (who works at a wine distributor) just dropped off a box full of bottles of RED wine!
What? Wine is made of fruit!
Stay healthy,

1 comment:

  1. If the veggies have to go, I can't think of a better replacement than wine!
