Monday, January 30, 2012


Well, I mentioned it earlier but the project craziness continues on at the Rasmusson household. After we had the upper half story painted, we moved on up there so we could have the two main floor bedrooms painted. When we first moved into our house, I was color-happy and insisted we paint the main floor bedrooms bright, vibrant colors...yeah, that had to change....

Main floor bedroom #1: Before

Main floor bedroom #1: After (plus new bedding!)

Main floor bedroom #2: Before (WOW, that's bright!)

Main floor bedroom #2: After (plus some new-to-us baby gear!)

Things are certainly changing around here. Walls, ceilings, doors and trim painted. New smoke detectors and outlets...things are shapin' up or shippin' out (to Goodwill)!

More pictures to come as Baby Ras' room comes together.

I start up my last semester of grad school this week (Wahoo!) it's a race to the finish line between graduation and baby. Which will get here first?

Take care,

K+P+Baby (25 weeks now!)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sticha Mamas

So, you probably recognize these ladies...don't you? I've written about them before here.

My cousins Gina & Sarah and I have a history of doing things together. We sing karaoke, dance and dine together. In 2010, we all got married. NOW, in 2012, we're all having our first babies together AND in the same order we got married! First Gina, then me, then Sarah.

Sticha Chicas: Sarah, Kendra & Gina

It's crazy to think that in the coming weeks, we'll all have babies! So exciting! Although obviously unplanned, its been really fun to go through these special moments in life together!

Babies all around,

K+P + Baby (almost 25 weeks now!)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Movin' on up...

If you know me, you know I love projects! Or at least when they're done. Pregnancy has taken me from being a regular old project-lover to a crazy, extreme project-lover (with crazy emotions!) Paul doesn't love this.

Having a little old house, we've learned to cherish the oddities and characteristics that come with it. One of those oddities was our upper half story. It started out being our bedroom...until summer and winter came and the temperature up there was either too hot or way too cold. We ended up moving our bedroom down to one of the main floor bedrooms for this reason. Well, once Baby Ras showed up as a big plus sign on pregnancy test, I got all hopped up on the idea of getting that upper halfstory ready and useable...for us, or guests or whatever.

In September, we had it completely reinsulated which was a great investment. The temperature upstairs seems more regulated now AND our CenterPoint energy rating went from 43 out of 100 to 15 out of 100. Plus, our monthly energy bill went down and they'll even give us a credit for doing the work. Win-Win-Win!

So, now the room FEELS nice...but it was still an eye-sore. Well, it WAS until about a week ago when we had it completely repainted. We were a little timid about the idea of painting over the "quaint" wood paneling but after some counseling from the local Sherwin Williams salesman...we went for it. Two coats of primer and two coats of paint made a HUGE change, though we can't take any credit for it. We hired a friend to do all the painting and he did such a great job. Anyway...what follow are the before/after photos of the room. Don't judge the befores too harshly...the room has served basically as storage for the last year so there's some clutter and an overall lack of style....but, not anymore!

Fresh paint, new drawer handles....way more modern!
Different bedding, opened up window....way brighter!

Cleaned off bookshelves, removed some furniture...feels way bigger!

We are so happy with how the room turned out. We still have a couple things to finish up, but otherwise we're in good shape! We've moved back upstairs as our main level bedrooms are next on the list to be painted this week. More pictures/updates to come on that!

Stay tuned,

K+P+Baby (now 22 weeks 3 days along!)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy New Year...

...from all 3 of us!

Baby Ras at 18 weeks 6 days!

Here's to an EXCITING 2012,


It's a...


Paul & I decided not to find out the gender of our baby, but we did learn that we have a little thumbsucker on our hands! It was amazing to see our baby jump, flip and search for his/her thumb during our ultrasound!

Here's Baby Ras at 17 week 5 days...

More to come...