Sunday, October 25, 2009

House Update #2

Hey all,

Again, my posting is delayed, but for good reason! Paul & I (with the help of many friends & family) have accomplished much in the last couple of weeks.

We're so close to finishing up our house remodel!! (Phewf!) After the first weekend in November, we should be completely finished! Check out the updated pic I've included in this post. We are only waiting on the new shutters we ordered, one more window in the front, some trim and the new gutters! We can't wait to be finished!

Last weekend, we also celebrated Paul's 32nd doing work on our house! Lucky guy! We did break early so we could enjoy a huge feast of Mexican food, cocktails and fun with a bunch of friends and family!

Paul & I are just about 7 months away from our wedding and have much to do yet! We're planning on finishing up the house first, then refocusing our efforts back to the wedding planning. I do think we'll begin the great "dress hunt" in the next month, which will make for some fun times for all the women involved in the wedding!

We're looking forward to a quieter weekend of handing out Halloween candy and perhaps eating some ourselves too! Back to working on the house the following weekend and hopefully wrapping it all up then...just in time for winter!

Hope you are all doing well!

Happy Halloween,

Monday, October 12, 2009

Old House, New Tricks!

Well, where have we been? Didn't I say I was going to try harder to update the blog more frequently?? hmm....well, allow me to explain...

This past weekend, Paul & I started our HUGE home renovation project! Now, some of you may be saying "But Paul & Kendra don't know how to remodel a home...", well you're right...we don't....BUT our family does! We're so fortunate to have the help of many skilled handymen (and women), cleaner-uppers, and cooks who helped make our weekend go more smoothly!

We aren't done yet, but we got a good start. We now have 4 of the 8 new windows installed, 1 of the 3 new doors, and about 1/4 of the house sided. We'll continue on with the efforts this next weekend and if there's still more to finish, we'll continue the following weekend. After that, we'll get new gutters put on our house too! Our goal is to have the outside of our house completed before Halloween so we can hand out candy together on our first Halloween in our newly remodeled home!

If you haven't heard - this weekend it also began to snow in MN! This morning we woke up to even more snow that continued ALL day, so we may be wearing our snow boots next weekend as we work on the house! Such timing, we have!

We hope everyone is enjoying Fall (without snow!)....We'll post some "AFTER" pics of the house when it's ready!

Stay warm,