Dear Silvia,
Happy very, very, very belated 5 months! Sorry we're so delayed in writing this post.
This past month has been another great month for you (well, for all three of us)!
Some highlights:
-We went to 2 weddings and got to dress up in fancy clothes. Speaking of, you wore shoes for the first time at these weddings...fancy, new gold shoes!
-We spent one Saturday at Grandma & Grandpa Sticha's picking corn with your cousins.
-We had a breakfast play date with "The Sticha Mamas" and your 2nd cousins, Garin & Carter.
-We celebrated your cousin Joey's 6th birthday!
-We also celebrated your Dad's 35th birthday (whoah, that's old, huh?) by going out to dinner. It was a fun day!
-We attended the annual Horejsi family reunion and you got to meet you new 2nd cousin, Charlee. She's just 4 weeks younger than you.
-My good college friends Traci & Krista stopped by for a visit and we learned that Krista is expecting a baby next spring - yeah for little friends!
-We had family photos taken by our friend/doula, Erika. It's so fun that we're still friends with her, especially since she was with us during one of the most special days of our lives...the day you were born!
You have your first tooth, but you didn't get that until this month (so, more on that in the next post). You're working really hard on tooth #2 and constantly have your hands in your mouth. Our always-happy girl now gets a little case of the fussies from time to time, though you're still such a happy little girl overall.
Daycare continues to love having you there and you still smile when we drop you that's great! The other day your daycare mom said to you: "Silvia, are you even a real baby? You must be a doll. Real babies aren't this good." We think you're such a good baby, but its alwasy nice to hear it from someone else.
You talk and talk and talk. You have a lot to say and you stop talking only to flash a big, gummy smile. Bathtime is still a lot of fun for you although you're so long your whole body stretches the length of your little tub....perhaps time for a longer one?
Bedtime is going great. You had a couple rough nights due to teething but overall you're still sleeping like a champ. You've started to flip yourself onto your stomach and you sleep great that way with your little bootie in the's so cute.
We keep practicing sitting up and you're getting the hang of it, though without our help you flop to one side or the other. When we put you in your Bumbo seat, you lean really far back and pop yourself right out of it. You little stinker. You also like being in your car/exersaucer since it allows you to stand and use those strong legs of yours.
You'll be 6 months old in no time...this coming Sunday, actually!! We cannot believe how fast time is going. We'll start you on solids this coming weekend and we're certain you'll love it. More on that to come!
You brighten our days and bring so much joy to our lives! Honestly, what did we do before you?!?
We love you so much,
Mama & Dad
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