Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dear Silvia: 4 Months

Dear Silvia,

Another month has flown by - and you've changed so much! We just now took down the "Welcome Baby" banner we hung before you were born!

You sure didn't wear your 3 month outfits long as we've already moved you entirely into your 6 month clothing! You are seriously such a long gal...and I know your 9 month outfits aren't far away.

Your Dad and I took you in for your 4 month appointment. You had to get a couple shots and some icky medicine in a dropper. The first shot went in and you just sat tears. The second shot went in and good golly, you opened the flood gates. It was so sad. You're such a good girl, I'm not sure we've ever seen you cry actual tears before this. The doctor said you're a healthy, growing girl and gave us the ok to give you solids whenever we think you're ready. We'll likely wait until you're a little closer to 6 months to go down that road though.
Here are your 4 month stats:
Weight: 75% (14lbs)
Length: 99% (26.5")
Head: 60%

I started back at work full-time this month and its been going pretty well. Of course, I miss you like crazy all day long but I know you're having a blast at daycare with all of your new friends. Your daycare mom and dad have said often that you're such a good, "easy" baby....smiling, kicking, laughing the days away. You don't nap much at daycare but they said they don't mind since you never really get fussy. Keep up the good work, girlie!

You continue to be a smiley, content girl for us too. We're so fortunate for that and we soak up every minute of your slobbery smiles and squeals of delight. I keep saying that you're being such a good girl to try to convince us that having more is a good idea. (Like we needed the convincing!) Auntie Lynn says we should be worried about what #2 will bring since you've been simply too good! Ha! I guess we'll see.

This past month you've really started to become vocal. You practice making all sorts of noises and love to talk to everyone (or yourself, in the mirror!) You're also getting better and better at bedtime. You are usually in your crib asleep between 7:30-9:30 each night and only wake up once to eat. You do get up bright and early (4-5am) in the morning but I'm usually getting up by then anyway. I feed you again and then you either snooze a bit longer while I get ready for work or play in your crib, watching the mobile. When you get up in the middle of the night to eat, you've started "calling for us" in a new way. You still holler making a noise like "Wa-uh" but now you also pick your legs up as high as you can and then drop them to the mattress so it makes a loud thud. When we come in to get you, you have a BIG smile on your face. You're lucky you're so cute! :)

You're doing a lot of rolling and kicking and really want to sit up and stand (with our help). I think sitting up is right around the corner for you. You still absolutely love ceiling fans and lamps. Your Dad and I joke that your favorite things (in order) are: Ceiling fans, lamps, Mom and Dad. Yes, we know how we rate and its ok...ceiling fans and lamps are pretty darn amazing.

You LOVE when we sing to you. We always joke that we don't want Uncle Jeff (with a good voice) to sing to you so that you learn what that sounds like. Dad and I may not be the best singers but we make up WAY better lyrics than Uncle Jeff every will! :) "Lou, Lou -- Silvia Lou" (tune of Skip to my Lou) or "Standing baby, you're the one" (tune of Rubby Ducky) are pretty big hits around our house!

This past month you attended quite a few family get togethers and birthday parties. You were able to see your first parade at Dozinky Days in New Prague and you got to meet your Great Aunt Barb and Uncle Mark from Illinois!

We had some more house projects done - the kitchen has seen a complete transformation - since we're planning to put our house on the market in the coming months. We love our little, old house. It has seen some of the best times of our lives together - including the day we welcomed you into our world, Silvia - but we know its only a matter of time before this little, old house becomes too small for our growing family. Change can be hard, but we look forward to our next house on a quieter street with a little more fresh air and some extra room to stretch our legs.

Before we know it, you'll be 5 months. Slow down, little one! :)

We love you so much,
Mama and Dad

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