Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dear Silvia: 8 Months

Dear Silvia,

Happy (Belated) 8 Months!

This month you decided to start showing some interest in MOVING! You spin in circles and squirm and roll and wiggle yourself to get whatever you want. You aren't quite crawling yet but you're definitely working on it.

This month, I had to go away for 5 (extremely) long days for work. It was really hard for me. I think you did great, though. You and Dad got a lot of time together and both sets of Grandparents made it over for a visit too! I couldn't wait to get home and scoop you up. Boy, did I miss you?!?!

I can't say this is a first for you, but you joined me for a day at the salon to visit our friend Natalie. You were such a good girl, sitting in the chair, laying on me while I got my hair washed, smiling at yourself in the mirror. It was so fun to have a special girls' morning together!

As usual, we had a couple fun playdates with our friends which are such a great way to break up the long, cold winter days.

Speaking of cold, we blew this popsicle stand and flew out to San Diego for a week away. This was your first flight and you did great on the way there but sadly shortly after arriving, we learned you had a double ear infection (your first) and bad cold. Your Dad was awesome and found a local medical center to take you to. We got some antibiodics and medicine for you though they made your tummy hurt. Although we always love having you with us, I can honestly say that I've never seen you so unhappy in my cried more in that week than you have in your entire life. It was sad. We were SO scared to fly home, worried that your ears would bother you. The flight (thankfully) went pretty darn good. We lucked out and the airlines gave us a whole row to ourselves. It will probably be a while before we take you anywhere on a flight again. Sorry...but its the truth! :)

In other fun news: Your new cousin, John Jeffrey "Jack" was born this month! He's a cutie with a lot of hair!

This month, we've started getting ready to put our house on the market which is exciting and intimidating at the same time. During our week away in San Diego, we also learned that our offer on a new home in New Prague was accepted! Hooray!

This was another really fun month with you Silvia. Its amazing to watch you grow bigger, smarter and stronger every day!

We love you so much and look forward to seeing what next month has in store for us too!

Mama and Dad

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